The Smith Society Newsletter

I weirdly have this hangup with having a newsletter, like: who am I to have a newslettter? I’m just a person with a bunch of random thoughts and interests. But since I’m ditching social, this is definitely the most effective way to share updates. I also have a lot of stories and interviews that are part of larger projects that can’t necessarily be shared publicly on a website, but I can comfortably share in a newsletter! Woot woot! I’ll be sharing exclusive excerpts from my fiction and nonfiction projects, photographs and art from my archives, exclusive clips from my podcast The Smith Society, some of my favorite recipes AND early access and reservations to the Twenty Year Menu Dinner parties, incredible food and fire side chats. Plus I’ll be doing some giveaways, everything from books to postcards, limited edition zines and prints. and more. You can easily subscribe in the form below!

Frequency: Once every 30 days.


The Smith Society Podcast